Saturday, 19 February 2011

An open letter to our dear Prime Minister

Dear Sir,
If you are reading this, thank you very much for taking the time.

I’ll take a very simple and straightforward approach in writing this, I don’t want to be misconstrued and get into trouble for all the wrong reasons. I merely want to say what is on my mind and perhaps hope against all hope that I‘ll be able to see changes that I think most Malaysians (except those who enjoy having their fingernails pull out for the fun of it) would like to see.

I’m a Malaysian citizen and as you may have read in my previous writings, I’m really not quite happy.

There are many things that are wrong in this country and I am sure that as Prime Minister, you are aware that the country has gone to the dogs. We seem to be in an endless downward spiral. At the very least, you must know that the people don’t really like what you’ve done (or not done, depending on how you’re looking at it) for the country so far.

I understand that in the prominent position that you are, you will always be subject to many politically motivated attempts to undermine your position. This is not one of those.

But Sir, the situation is really quite crappy for the man on the street.

For one I really cannot understand how we seem to be doing so badly economically. Can you not ensure that at least some of the policies carried out by the government benefit the people at large and not just the principals of those endeavors? Are our leaders really so incapable of coming up with something that works?

Other than the economic performance issues (I’ll come back to this in a while), the Malays and Muslims are also getting rather rowdy. I mean people like Ibrahim Ali cannot be doing well for you when you are the Prime Minister of a multi cultural country like Malaysia. Unless I got it all wrong and you are the Prime Minister for the Malays then you’re doing fine. But then again, I don’t want the likes of Samy Vellu and Soi Lek the porn star to represent my interests in Parliament… I don’t trust them

I know and submit that the constitution enshrines the rights of the Malays and Islam as the official religion of the country, but really, do these Malay/ Muslim commentators have to rub it in our faces? You see, I am Christian, as a follower of Christ, I firmly believe that Christianity is the only true way and only those with Jesus Christ in their hearts go to Heaven. You don’t see me going… “all you misguided Muslim are going to Hell!”… so what makes it alright for all kinds of crap to be said to non Muslims and about their beliefs and practices? I mean at the end of the day being privileged is one thing and fair is fair.

What’s happened to the 1 Malaysia slogan you were touting? Even here, it seems that the idea has been abandoned. Why? Are the minority races not Malaysian? Truth be told, we don’t need the slogan to become a truly integrated country, the way I see it, we need more, intelligent, progressive Malays that are more concerned with real progress than becoming “Jaguh Kampungs”.

You have to know there is a problem when you see the idea of Malay supremacy being forced through every channel available, at every opportunity, sometimes at the cost of the truth.

When we get into arguments with neighbours on the origins and authenticity of our arts, when we change dates in school text books to suite our agendas and when we suppress facts that don’t show Malays as the “first” and the “best” in our history we compromise the foundations that this nation is built on.

It doesn’t augur well for your cause (should it be to develop Malaysia and her people) when the Internet is so readily available for thinking people to research basis for arguments that put your political and politicians’ thinking to shame. Collectively as a country we all end up looking like idiots.

Mr Prime Minister.

I’m sure at some point in your life you had a plan of what you wanted to do for the country, I’m sure it was a grand scheme that would heal the country and empower its people, that didn’t involve jackals and snakes that poison and tear at the already existing wounds. 

You might have a term or two left in you. What’s beyond your political shelf life? A book? Speaking engagements at a few of seminars? Then what? See the next guy tear up the country further. How much further do you think it’ll go?

Do the right thing.

Denounce all practices that don’t go inline with the progress of the nation. By all means keep the Bumiputra Privileges, I don’t think it really does that much damage to the non Malays but more importantly look to the development of Malays, ensure their commercial viability by developing their character.  

The simple fact is they cannot be commercially viable when the majority cannot speak two words of English.

Unable to be of value and fend for themselves, they will always be dependent on protectionist policies.

The population is growing fast the costs of protection is rising, how long can this be sustained? We may already be too late. But still, we have to try. If not, we’ll eventually start to export Malay domestic helpers to Singapore and Hong Kong (our pride will not allow us to send them to Indonesia) because protectionism will become too expensive, and the people will have to fend for themselves. What’s to happen to Malay supremacy then?

Please look into these issues, I know you have lots to do but sometimes it would be nice to know that you are indeed looking our way as well.


Ben Rozario

Friday, 18 February 2011

Stop ripping me off... please.

I wonder what it takes for a politician to totally lose all sense of dignity and principal. They must have had some form of moral standing previously. I'm sure they too had parents who tried to teach them to be good people as well.

Imagine the stakes for a politician... voted into position by the people, thinking... well not actually... rather, hoping, that he would have their best interests in mind, the idea of having an entire nation holding them accountable for their actions.

Look at the previous Public Works Minister... Dear old Samy. The butt of criticism of the entire nation. Does it bother him? No... He's happy ripping off millions (well to be fair I really can't say that for sure, haven't had a chance to audit his assets, but if he isn't, he's just stupid and not very competent then) in the course of overseeing the development of shoddy highways and government projects across the country.

Everybody on the streets see how badly managed the finances of the projects are, they come in over budget and at sub par quality. Highways crumble and nothing seems to ever be done right, requiring new developments to be torn up to enable the laying of some pipe or wires or whatever else. You would think that he and his bunch of monkeys have some idea of how to get the job done right once and for all right? Apparently not, leaves me thinking that something was compromised and for what else if not money?

Whatever happened to the idea of "Ministerial Responsibility"...? Seems like it doesn't apply in this country. Ministers apparently are not held accountable, who's there to be accountable to when the they don't recognise the very people that put them in power. 

Khir Toyo, another prime example of a useless corrupt politician. Spends twenty plus million on his mansion. Ringing alarm bells across the country. But apparently not enough in the offices of MACC for someone to push him out the window (wouldn't be a huge deal to anybody, except for the cleaners maybe, having to deal with all the bull shit coming out his arse).

I don't really care that they made millions, well... I hope it's millions and nothing more... What irks me is really the state of hypocrisy of the administration.

Look at these statutory bodies, they go after the small fries that will never make an impact on anything, while the real culprits go scott free.

What's really at stake here? Entire communities could be empowered through provision of basic amenities, the provision of services like education and healthcare. Instead the millions are now siphoned off by the echelon to feed their lurid wants. 

Where is the justice?

Is there not one person of upright character in the government today? How did we get so jaded that we just don't seem to care enough to make sure the right people represent us anymore.

The people need to understand that the ultimate mandate lies in their hands. It might take time to wrest the power back from these people but for now I think a check and balance based on the morality of the people is in very short supply.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Playing by the rules.

My previous entry has sparked a lot of discussion amongst people who care for me. They are concerned that the piece, obviously hitting out at irresponsible Muslims, might incur the wrath of the authorities. 

If you haven't read it, it is basically me voicing my dissatisfaction at JAKIM for insensitively and irresponsibly capitalising on Valentine's Day (which is not a Christian celebration) for religious one ups man-ship. I personally couldn't care less for the celebration itself, but because they implicated Christianity for the sole purpose of making it look bad, I am taking the offensive to defend my beliefs and my faith. 

The country is built on a platform out lined in the constitution to among other things, uphold the rule of law, while the constitution recognises Islam as the official religion of Malaysia, it does not justify nor allow muslims to enjoy wonton bouts of verbal and intellectual diarrhea. It is not justifiable, for any person of any religion to put down another, no matter how compellingly stupid the person or group might be. 

If the tables were turned and a non Muslim commentator were to comment on how the psyche of Muslims have indeed contributed to the rise of social ills, I would expect the person to be picked up by the authorities for "inciting social unrest".


It really wouldn't matter if he had put forward a justifiable case or demonstrated a real understanding of the issues to state his case, he would be by default wrong because he had made Islam look bad. 

I'm not saying it is wrong to maliciously (or through utter ignorance/ stupidity) to put down Islam, I am saying it is wrong to put down any religion which propagates positive morals.

I am not asking for Christian commentators or commentators of any other religion to be given the privileges as Muslim commentators have, I recognise the rule of law and the enshrined position of Islam in the constitution. I am asking for authorities to recognise and enforce a minimum standard of decency.

As a Christian, I firmly believe that eternal life is only attainable through the blood of Jesus Christ. It is the fundamental truth of Christianity, yet you don't see Christians making statements saying "the rest if you are going to Hell". 

In fact you don't see Buddhists telling their Muslim brothers... " bro, I really think you are coming back as a cockroach in the next life". 

It boils down to being fair, the idiot uztazah with her biased research implicating and portraying Christianity as a religion that promotes free sex and and other forms of moral decay should be taken to task for sheer callousness, causing unrest amongst Christians across the country. 

JAKIM and its counter parts should be disbanded for sheer stupidity and ineffectiveness. If JAKIM really wanted to make a difference, may I suggest that they run "Ops Tangkap Anak Anak Datuk" in Selangor, any day of the week, at any club, pub or bar. I personally don't think that will happen any time soon, but i'll save that rant for another day.

Valentine's Day fiasco.

It doesn't take much to get me going these days.

Recently, all it took was the Selangor Religious Authorities, their counterparts in other states and a handful of bloody idiots.

Valentine's Day to me means nothing more than a huge commercial celebration, probably thought up by some jeweller or florist somewhere in the west to boost dying sales. Much like how dear Santa was probably thought up by Coke... But let's keep that for another day.

I have refused to be a part of the worldwide celebrations to the chagrin of my dear wife. How unromantic! She'd chide. No matter how you spin it I couldn't bring myself to pay RM15 for a single rose, or some obscene amount of money for a candle lit dinner for two that she would not finish.

So there you have it my context for Valentine's day. I am definitely not a fan.

But recently a bunch of overzealous Muslim fools went and made a huge issue about Valentine's day being a Christian celebration and it propagated immoral Christian values. JAKIM (Selangor's religious authorities) went so far as to embark on a "Beware The Valentine's Trap" Campaign, naming it as such. The goal was to deter Muslims from celebrating Valentine's Day, educating them of it's "Christian" origin and to enforce laws to up hold Muslim morality (as if they understood the concept).

According to JAKIM Valentine's day - the Christian celebration, was one of the reasons there were so many unwanted pregnancies amongst  Muslims, it was also cited as a reason why Muslim couples had pre marital sex amongst other things.

As a Christian, I am enraged.

Did JAKIM and their band of idiots just imply, if not outrightly say that Christianity promotes a sinful lifestyle? Sure seems like it to me. If the goal of every Christian is to be Christ like, is it not a huge insult to the character of Christ?

Dear idiots at JAKIM, I address the following directly at you and your like minded band of idiots.

Your unfounded, fear feeding policies have in one fell swoop insulted my faith and the faith of my fathers. If you show me no consideration, why other than the fact that that Christ said "turn the left cheek" should I show you any?

The Muslim prophet purportedly consummated his marriage with his "wife" when she was just nine (he was 54 at that time). Do I hear cries of pedophile/ rape? shouldn't he be then recognised as the patron for pedophiles and rapists? Isn't Islam then the religion of pedophiles and rapists? Why then are we, innocent non Muslims, subjected to a national holiday to commemorate his birthday? I don't know about you, but I personally don't identify with pedophiles or rapists.

Since you recognise the work of those who bomb churches and airplanes in the defense of the faith. Is Islam then the religion of murderers as well?


I don't think anyone capable of intelligent thinking would think so. The world generally would not consider a notion to brand you as such. To do so would show such callowness that is only reserved for the likes of you.